Meet Dr. Babiuk
Dr. Babiuk was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. He left The Great White North in 1987
for the tropics of Chicagoland.
Dr. Babiuk received his undergraduate education at the University of Alberta and at the University of British Columbia. He graduated with his Bachelors Degree in 1987 where he majored in Biology and minored in Chemistry. In 1991, he graduated with honors from Loyola University Dental School and completed his residency in 1995 practicing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital. His training at Cook County was intensive and provided him with a strong background in all procedures required succeeding in private practice. In addition to common oral surgery procedures, the maxillofacial aspects of his training include a strong trauma background, with repair and reconstruction of patients with multiple facial injuries and facial fractures.
Since settling in Grayslake, he has seen over 24,000 patients with well over 17,000 in office anesthetic procedures.
Outside of his practice, Dr. Babiuk has a very diverse background with many hobbies which include dirt biking, camping, skiing and snowboarding, scuba diving, sailing, deep sea fishing, automotive repair and restoration of American and European autos, electronic projects and many others but…NO GOLFING!